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If Ignorance Is Bliss, Some Folks Are a Blister!
March 25, 2022, 11:00 AM

If Ignorance Is Bliss, Some Folks Are a Blister!

Ignorance of the past brings us down the road to wrong decisions today and ruination in the future. America is in the brink of disaster while our governments are lead by those who have no idea what they are doing. If you want to see where America is headed, take a gander at north Korea and south Korea. Forget the possibility of another conflict there, if the line had never been drawn and one country made into two, we would never have had the conflict that we witness today, and indeed since the country was divided. What I want to consider is the lifestyle of the South Koreans and those in the north. There is hardly any comparison. In the south, they are happy, productive, and prosperous. The north is just the opposite. They are under the thumb of their government and are unproductive, lead dreary lives, and possess a hopeless future. That is where our politicians want to take us! If we consider the fall of the Roman empire, we may have a clue as to where we are going if we continue the path we are now on.

The Major Causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor
  • Decline in Morals
  • Political Corruption and the Praetorian Guard
  • Fast Expansion of the Empire
  • Constant Wars and Heavy Military Spending
  • Barbarian Knowledge of Roman Military Tactics
  • Failing Economy
  • Unemployment of the Working Classes (The Plebs)
  • The 'Mob' and the cost of the 'Games'
  • Decline in Ethics and Values
  • Slave Labor
  • Natural Disasters
  • Christianity
  • Barbarian Invasion (Illegal aliens)
  • The major causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire

Why don’t you mark the ones that apply to the United States today then ask yourself, “Where we are headed?” If anyone with one eye and half sense cannot discern, in light of these facts, that America is on the edge of a cleft and about to fall there is something badly wrong with our thinking.