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March 18, 2022, 9:00 AM


Is Mother Earth Sick?

A large sector of our country is devout about “saving our planet.” Some have concluded that Mother Nature is sick and needs to be saved. In the U.S.A. many of our leaders are fanatics about saving the earth. When a bomb deliberately destroyed a building in Ukraine with many children in it, there were signs visible from the air to warn that there were indeed children inside. Some of our leaders in the U.S.A. bemoaned the effect the bombing had on “climate change.” Not one word about the horror of the deliberate killing of those who had committed no crime, posed no threat. Their lives ended and all that was important to some was that “it is really bad for climate change.”

Methods and Motivation

To lure people away from worshipping the God of Creation, belief in Genesis Chapter One must be brought into question. Through the ages there have been many who have contributed to the assault on Genesis One. It would seem that Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle of life was published on 24 November, 1859. Sixty-six years later his theories were taught in the U.S.A. The Scopes monkey trial will go down in history as a court giving permission to deny Genesis One. First taught as a theory, by 1959 Darwin’s theory was taught as fact, and the Genesis account of creation was relegated to a superstitious myth.

When one does away with the creative, sustaining and controlling power of God, man’s imagination creates in his mind all sorts of ideas about creation and how it is sustained and controlled. This assault on Christianity is motivated to destroy the truth that God is indeed in control, and promotes the idea that man is responsible to control earth and to preserve it.

Prince Charles suggested a military czar who would have absolute power to overrule governments with laws to save the planet. Those in control of our government demand that fossil fuels be eliminated. There are also those who suggest we do away with cows because their poop is destroying the ozone.

The aim of the climate change movement is to destroy our trust in God and trust man’s imagination. God warns in Genesis 6:5 that man’s imagination is only evil. In Genesis 8:22 God assures us that He is in control until the end. Isaiah 26:3, let us rest in Th Lord!