America Has Fallen and Cannot Get Up.
Have you ever been watching a film or TV program, when someone falls, and it is shown in slow motion? The fall probably took only a second, but in slow motion it seemed to last forever. To me that describes the fall of America. We witnessed her stumble many times, but the near total fall came quickly.
The truth of the matter is that we have been witnessing the insidious decline of family and morals since the time of the Second World War. Following WWII my parents’ generation had much regard for family and for providing for their family. They had endured the rationing of food, gasoline, and other goods. When possible, they gardened and canned food to guard against further hardship and hunger. I and others of my generation experienced always eating what was set before us. Usually, it was all we had. You either ate the meal or you ate nothing. There was strict discipline in the home. It was clearly understood that disobedience brought a penalty. There was no appeals court.
Then came the next generation saying, “My kids are going to have it better than I had it”. Parents always want to do better by their children. Great to have choice of foods for dinner. Maybe ease up a little on heavy-handed discipline. Then we see negative attitudes allowed, such as “I will not eat that.” The word “discipline” became a negative word. Parents began to allow children free expression, and latitude to “find themselves”. As this “No Discipline” attitude became prevalent in homes, and then in schools, we began to see schools become jungles. The jungles were lived out in our cities, and violence became the norm for groups or gangs desiring notoriety for their cause. We now live in an American society where we are in fear when walking streets in certain cities, and even are afraid in our homes where the criminal is allowed to break in and steal with impunity. When we would attempt to defend what is ours, we are apt to be prosecuted by the criminal’s attorneys.
The traditional “family unit” of our parents’ generation is a thing of the past.
To compound the problems the education czars decided to take on the role of parents and dictate what punishment they could give for the child’s bad acts. Which ultimately boiled down to a “time out” that really did much to promote bad behavior. When my children were in middle school, a fight would break out in a class, and my daughter would have to hide under her desk to avoid being hurt. Of course, that bad action by the perpetrator was never dealt with or not dealt with in any manner to deter any such future activity. Public schools have devolved from a pledge to the flag and prayer and patriotism to cesspools of deficient educators deciding everything that a parent should be solely responsible for. Sex education has become a gender choice class. Young folks are inquisitive about sex, and the parents should be setting the standards when it comes to gender identification. Today the gender of a child can be known months before birth. To try and change that birth gender is mutilation.
The education system never has enough money. To remedy for that in our state was the legalization of the sale of alcohol. We were told that the tax revenue of the sale of it would pay for our schools. I don’t know where the money went, but it did not help our school system. Just a few years ago we were convinced that a state lottery would be a great thing for our education system. Now we have the lottery, and government tells us there is not enough money to buy books for students. Teachers buy supplies for their classroom. The “education lottery” declares they are giving millions of dollars to the “education system”. What has that money bought us? Schools that are unsafe. Students who can hardly read, write, or do simple math when they graduate. Two prevailing attitudes today is that (1) Sexual identification is a shifting thing, and (2) Students should not be held accountable for bad behavior. This teaches them nothing about the value self-control, nor about responsibility for one’s own actions. Some of today’s youth have no direction, no hope, and no desire to be productive.
In 2020 45,979 persons in America committed suicide. That is one suicide every eleven minutes. For every suicide death there are four hospitalizations for attempted suicide. Eight emergency room visits and 27 self-reported *suicide attempts. (Facts CDC/gov/suicide/suicide data/statistics). Those age 15-24 represented 14.2%. Those age 25-34 represented 18.4%. In 2008 in a six-month period there were 733 drive-by shootings which killed 134 and injured 631. Something is wrong in America. Anarchy reigns. There are no standards for public behavior or common courtesy. Many words or phrases that were once taboo for use in public are now blatantly used without any consideration of appropriateness to the hearer. There is a lack of sensitivity and often an effort to be offensive for the shock value alone.
The government has taken a clear stand against Christianity. It is evident in every phase of our lives. Christianity believes in the sanctity of life. Our government cannot decide when life begins. A medical doctor in some states can abort or kill a baby up to the time of delivery, called partial birth abortion. There are elected officials today who would approve the right to terminate a child’s life up to 28 days following birth. Yet in most states if a pregnant woman is murdered and the child does not survive, the perpetrator can be charged with double murder. How can this duplicity be explained?
Since time began science has declared that humans are male and female. There are now elected officials and those in positions of authority who declare that some men were born in the wrong body and should be allowed to identify as female, and likewise some females feel they are truly male with the desire to change their outward and inward self, each group to the point of surgical mutilation. God created male and female. God’s word does not change to allow for exceptions.
For the LGBTQ community, same-sex marriage is promoted as right. For the government to force Christian pastors or Christian magistrates to perform same-sex ceremonies or go to jail would appear to infringe upon the American’s God-given freedom of religion. Are we to be allowed to follow our chosen Christian beliefs, or is the government allowed to “help” us choose? Wasn’t our nation founded by pilgrims who wanted to worship without government interference?
- summarize, the family unit has almost been destroyed by nominal Christianity and a corrupt educational system. Society has been destroyed by an impotent church. When the movement began to take the bible, prayer and the ten commandments out of the educational system, the church was absorbed by women’s clothing—length of skirt, pants allowed or no, the length of a man’s hair, and whether beards and tattoos were manifestations of a backslider. Society has been in a downward spiral. Why so much crime? It largely goes unpunished. The mafia was once operated out of Chicago. Now it operates in Washington, D.C. When American leaders refuse to control our sovereign borders, drug and people trafficking runs rampant. Criminals see an easy mark when American crime is not controlled, and criminals are allowed free reign to do their worst. America did not get here overnight. We see, feel, and hear the spirit of antichrist every day. I fear the family unit will never be mended until there is widespread revival with long-lasting results. The church is so fractured that only a supernatural moving of the Spirit of God can heal us. We need to be focused on preaching the truth of the Word, which has the power to change lives, and less focused on methods, music, and bible translations. The early church was persecuted because they confronted the people with “thus saith the Lord”. It is not our job to defend the Word or argue about the Word, but to preach the Word. The remedy for all societal decline, injustice and sin is found in the Lord Jesus Christ and the moving of The Holy Spirit instigated and originated by God, or by the return of the Lord!